The Offer

The Hot Choc Session

This is where the you and I go for an introductory walk to get a Hot Chocolate

This walk is designed specifically for you to get an idea of who I am.

It’s also a perfect opportunity for me to get an understanding of what support you are looking for

This session will last approximately 90 minutes

*At this stage absolutely no commitment is required and can be treated as a one off day.

 However, if agreeable, we can move onto the next part of the journey.

The Journey

Weekly 1.5 hour long sessions on a  rolling basis

  Included will be outings to a cultural   event of the your choice, which if required can exceed the 1.5 hours delegated time, such as for a theatre show

The Ad-Hoc

We also offer Ad Hoc sessions, available to you when you need

This allows you flexibility and a little support at what could be an important time

These should be a minimum of 1 hour, but can extend to a whole day if required